It depends on who you talk to …

Talk to someone who joined a network marketing opportunity, learned the ropes, took action and went on to build a successful business that pays them a solid six-figure and they will tell you:

“Network Marketing is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind for the average person without a lot of money to invest to become financially free.”

Talk to someone who has joined a few different opportunities over the years but who never really “did the work” required to build a business and they might say something like this:

“Network marketing doesn’t work. The only people who make big money are the people who get in early.”

So who is right? … What is Network Marketing?


It’s simply …

“Recommending and promoting what you like, and getting paid for it”

It’s as simple as that!

Everyone already does network marketing every day without realising. We all recommend and promote things to our family and friends, it’s human nature, we naturally want to share what we enjoy.

We recommend movies, books, baby sitters, dentists, cars and lots more, every single day, however … some people actually get paid for it.

Many companies believe that the word-of-mouth recommendation of their products and services is more effective than paid-for advertising, so they stop their traditional advertising and marketing then use these unspent monies to reward people (a network) who recommend and promote (marketing) their products and services.


According to Wikipedia, network marketing is way of doing business in which a sales force earns a commmission not only for sales of products and services they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they sponsor and bring into the business, which creates a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation.


Fact – You will never get rich working for someone else, they will only ever pay you what the job is worth and not what you are worth!

There are huge lifestyle benefits associated with building a successful business:

  • You can pick the people you work with.
  • You can work from home full-time, part-time or in your spare time.
  • You can pick the hours you work and choose how much you work.
  • You can give yourself an immediate raise through tax savings.
  • You have the opportunity to literally set yourself financially free.

When you join a network marketing company you are “signing up” to represent that company’s product and services and business opportunity:

  • You “sign up” by making a small investment (usually £0 to £200) and by completing an Independent Distributor agreement.
  • You are not employed by the company as an employee but, rather, you are volunteering to represent the company as an independent sales consultant, business owner, reseller or representative.
  • You are paid a commission based upon the volume of product sold through your own sales efforts as well as that of your downline.  In other words, to make money you need to personally sell products AND should you so choose teach a team to sell products as well because you earn commissions on the TOTAL VOLUME of product that moves through your business.


Think Franchise …

Consider a franchise operation like McDonald’s.

McDonald’s is one of the largest fastfood organizations in the world. They have more than 33,000 restaurants that serves more than 64 million people in 118 countries every day.

More than 80% of McDonald’s restaurants are owned and operated by independent business owners.

Now if YOU owned the mother-ship corporation, you not only earn money by selling burgers, fries and shakes from the 20% of the restaurants YOU personally own and operate, you also earn a small percentage on all the sales made by the entire organisation including the other 80% you do not own. Meaning you are now earning a ROYALTY income generated by the time, talent and energy expended by the other business owners in your team.


Can You See the Magic?

You get paid on the time and effort of other people.

A good way to answer the question: “What is network marketing?” would be quote J. Paul Getty, one of the richest men in his time:

I’d rather have one percent of the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent of my own efforts.


The Reality…

Network Marketing is a form of “direct sales” and no one makes a penny until products and services are sold. It’s that way in every business, not just network marketing.

The KEY is to join a well established company, then track down someone who is currently enjoying a level of success you aspire for and find out what they are doing… and simply be willing to DO the same things.



  • Network marketing is a career choice and a profession.
  • Network marketing is a path to fame, fortune and time freedom.
  • Network marketing is a leadership development platform.
  • Network marking is fun, fast and exciting.
  • Network marketing is a proven “Billion Dollar” business model.


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